December 18, 2017

ICYMI -- Small Press Comics Criticism and Whatnot for 12/11/17 to 12/17/17

Highlighting some great small press comics criticism being published, as well as other random things that have caught my eye over the past week.


* Robin Enrico reviews Hazel Newlevant's SUGAR TOWN, a book that "shows us a world in which a bi-sexual, openly polyamorous relationship is not only of benefit to the person in the center, but also enriching to all of the individual partners."

* Annie Blitzen also writes about SUGAR TOWN, calling it "a touching story of a woman and her sweetie and her other sweetie, struggling with her feelings regarding her sweeties' other sweeties."

* Austin Lanari on FENIX by Zane Zlemesa, which is "centered around things, how they're arranged, how people relate to them in mundane ways, and the just-beyond-the-pale impulses of the average person."

* Tom Baker reviews I'M NOT HERE by GG, saying it is "quiet, sad and often still, but not devoid of hope."

* Henry Chamberlain on DIARIO DE OAXACA by Peter Kuper, which "manages to capture both the light and the dark of Oaxaca in an extraordinary collection of dispatches."

* Whit Taylor presents Carta Monir's minicomic LARA CROFT WAS MY FAMILY, "which explores the evolution of Monir's family dynamic and how a video game series impacted their lives." 

* Alex Hoffman reviews TALES FROM THE HYPERVERSE by William Cardini, "likely Cardini's strongest work yet."

* Scott Cederlund reviews Larry Marder's BEANWORLD VOLUME 4, saying, "Marder is working in parable, using a simple story to reveal a larger truth. But as is ofthen the case when looking at parables, that larger truth isn't always self-evident."

* As part of his Thirty Days of CCS series, Rob Clough writes about the comics of CHARLES FORSMAN, whose "comics have always been about the veil between civilization and total chaos on a micro level."

* Speaking of Forsman, Forrest Sayrs reviews Forsman's latest, I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS, where "there are no solutions, no arguments, and, most depressingly, no hope."


* Rosie Knight interweaves her interview with TILLIE WALDEN into an exploration of the artist's craft and motivation and future in a way that makes for a great read.

* Giacomo Lee talks to a bunch of people about the proliferation of BOOTLEG SIMPSONS ZINES. There are some pretty fucking amazing things to be seen here.

* If you find yourself in a giving mood, perhaps a donation to CARTOON CROSSROADS FESTIVAL (CXC) -- Tom Spurgeon talks about it in his recent "Birthday Letter" linked here. This is seemingly becoming one of the major stops on the Small Press Comics Convention Circuit, and should be on your list both to attend and support when you can.

* Sarah Mirk and Alexandra Beguez comic on The Nib, MANSPLAINING, EXPLAINED.

* Rebecca Fulleylove introduces us to Simen Royseland's new zine, ENCHIRIDION, inspired by Stoicism.

* Liel Leibovitz's THE PROBLEM WITH 'THE PROBLEM WITH APU' has the subtitle, "What 'The Simpsons' can teach us about nationalism, identity, and the American Future."

* And finally, I've avoided linking to any "Best of 2017" lists because there are just too damn many of them and I don't really know what purpose they serve anymore (don't worry, I'll be posting my own later this week), but finally someone has come up with a list that I think may just be the definitive "Best Of" list ever: Sam Marx has compiled a list of THE BEST SANDWICHES HE ATE IN 2017.  

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