Massive Awesome Vol. 1
(Stephen Lindsay /Rolf Lejdegard / James Boulton)

I enjoy reading comics that call into question the nature of human existence or that question our inability to connect with each other on more than a superficial level. I am drawn to comics that ponder big questions or examine the minutia of daily life in order to embrace larger themes. I like my comics heavy, resonant, meaningful.
But sometimes....
Sometimes I find myself enjoying the heck out of book like Massive Awesome Volume 1.

In his introduction to this book, Stephen Lindsay writes, “Writing about a 6 foot tall talking Commando piece of Bacon and a 6 foot tall talking pickle who thinks he's a zombie is very freeing.” Truer words may never have been spoken by a sober man. One could only imagine the possibilities inherent in such freedom.
Imagine no more. When you create a world in which nobody thinks a bacon ninja or a zombie pickle or a gangster with TOASTERS FOR HANDS are out of ordinary, you can do just about anything you want in your story. I mean, just read this solicitation:
The story of best friends, Commando Bacon and Zombie Pickle, as they try to unravel the mystery of who is attempting to destroy their lives. Ninjas, Giant Robots, Shadowy Government Figures, Scottish Luchadors and insatiable appetites for DESTRUCTION are but a few things standing in their way!

This comic is nuts. It's full of action and bad jokes and heart and heat and all manner of crazy ass shit that just roils and rolls and explodes all over the place. This is not a thinking man's tome; rather, this is stupid fun. Turn off your brain and laissez les bons temps rouler!! There's a certain liberation inherent in such an act. You just have to remember, America, that this should be an form entertainment, not a way of life. The introspective life has value. Our society's survival depends on us being sober-minded, thoughtful, empathetic, and informed. There are issues in the real world that demand our attention. To turn a blind eye to the problems of economic disparity and environmental devastation is to seal our doom.
But sometimes ninja bacon, zombie pickles, and dudes with TOASTERS FOR HANDS make for a small escape from the heavy work we must all engage.
Massive Awesome Volume 1 is like a sloppy kiss from a puppy. It's sweet and nice, but you probably don't want to pursue the relationship much further than that.
Have some fun. It's Massive Awesome for goodness sake. Then get back to work making this world a better place.
Massive Awesome Volume 1 can be downloaded at Comixology.
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